Quaint Twiggy Frame

 There are so many ways to finish a stitched work but here is one that came to me in a moment of combined inspiration and desperation.  

We were snowed last year, no hope of getting past the mounds of snow in the driveway and I had a gift of stitchery that needed to be framed.  So....  I sent my brave husband out into the wintery afternoon with a pair of kitchen shears and between us, we created this.  

Quaker Christmas by Midnight Stitching lends itself nicely to the quaint look of an old fashioned twig frame.  You can read an article I wrote for ehow.com some time ago.  In that article I discussed notching out the twigs at the corners so they would fit together better, but on the sampler above, I simply glued the twigs with contact cement, then lashed them to the stitched piece with perle cotton.  It is quite sturdy and mighty cute if I do say so myself.  Feel free to download instructions here.  Quaint Twiggy Frame Instructions


Cari said...

lovely twiggy frame idea!


Myra said...

That twiggy frame is just perfect for that piece. Great job and thanks for the tutorial.

deborahinwi said...

This is just beautiful! You are so creative.

Cathy C said...

I love this little twig framed piece. Was that your own design, or is it someone else's? I would love to stitch that over one the way you did as a needlebook for a friend or two. Can you share with me the chart you used, or where you got the design from. if it is your own, is it published for purchase? Please e-mail me at caldwell@swcp.com. Thanks much!!! Love your designs, and I am going to look for that casket pattern now. Cathy